- You must be a fan of Tsukino Usagi x Chiba Mamoru, or else why would you be here?
- You must have a valid (working) e-mail.
- You must indicate your country
- You Do Not need a website to join.
- DO NOT DIRECT/HOT LINK to any codes on this website, save them to your computer, & upload to your own server!
If you're already a member, and your information has changed since you joined this fanlisting, please use this form to keep your member information update. If you lost your password use this form to get a new one.
First names or nicknames are fine, but please, no special characters like mamoruandusagi4ever_lz345_ or sticky caps: mAmOrUrLoVeSuSaGi, and please don't pick a long nickname, keep it with in reason, if you don't I'll fix it for you :).
Remember: If you would like your link listed here you must link back. - Please grab a code! |
Please use the form below for joining the fanlisting. Please hit the submit button only once. Your entry is fed instantly into the database, and your email address is checked for duplicates. Passwords are encrypted into the database and will not be seen by anyone else other than you. If left blank, a password will be generated for you.
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Powered by Enthusiast [Robotess Fork] v. 1.0.3+ (original author: Angela Sabas)